MGH Research Study On South Asian Women And Stress - Take A Survey
Awijeet Shandilya

Researchers at MGH are interested in understanding how COVID-19 is affecting South Asian women’s relationships and levels of relationship stress and conflict in comparison to non-South Asian women. 


IAGB Urges You To Exercise Your Vote
Awijeet Shandilya

IAGB urges you to take that step and make the decision to vote for yourself and those around you, and for the stronger community voice!!


These Life Events Need The Most Insurance Planning
Awijeet Shandilya

Some key life events are a bigger financial priority than others. Take, for example, a married couple who has their first child, or hitting retirement. Both life events should trigger a close examination of your life insurance needs – and they're certainly not the only life events that require an insurance reset


Finding The Perfect Gift
Awijeet Shandilya

Everything you need to do to come up with the perfect gift for your loved ones.
